The Braganza Bulletin

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

New Posts Coming Up!

Hi Everyone! We haven't updated The Braganza Bulletin lately--we're sorry! Skyler and Allie had an editorial meeting yesterday, and we've got lots of cool stuff planned and news to share, so stay tuned. But for now, Allie is going to concentrate on getting caught up--enjoy the new posts with pics from the past few weeks. FYI this is more one-handed typing, which should explain the brief descriptions!

More Pics of Elle, Six Weeks Old

Elle chilling out in the bouncer chair, Elle sleeping sweetly, and my favorite--Elle and Daddy cry together:-0

Visit From Grams

Allie's mom came to visit for a few days--here are some pics of Grams and Elle, and one picture of Grams' Famous Rum Cake!

But Mom, I'm REALLY Not a Hat Person...

Five Weeks. Went to doctor this week, Baby is 23 inches long and 11 lbs 3 oz! Also, eyes are brown now, and lashes are getting looong like dad and sis.

Pics of Elle, One Month Old

Indiana Part Three, Hornets Attack!

We went to Grandma Gehrig's Farm in Auburn Indiana, hoping to explore the barn, and the house where Dada grew up (both now empty.) BUT...our car was attacked by some kind of angry buzzing creatures, either hornets or paper wasps. We think we ran over their nest. They were so mad, they followed us everywhere we tried to park, so we couldn't get out and explore, so we took these pictures from the car:-(

Wander Indiana, Part Two

After we left Papa Stan's in Indianapolis, we drove north to Pretty Lake to visit Allie's family. EVERYONE was there while we were there! Here are a few photos from the lake--Brooke & Payton, Erik & Barbara playing cards, Aunt Sue with Elle at 3 weeks, and Somer and Jeremy.

Our Indiana Adventure, Part One

At the end of July, everyone from Braganza found themselves in Indiana (well, not the pets.) Skyler was at Papa Stan's for music camp, so Erik, Allie, and Elle flew up to join her there after camp ended and spend a few days. Here are some pictures of Erik's birthday dinner, Papa Stan and Mama Shonnie with Elle at 2.5 weeks, and Skyler & her Uncle Sebastian.

Geez! I Know How Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Feels!

As you can see from this picture, I have had about ENOUGH of the paparazzi! Give me a break already! Especially this one crazy lady...tall, with brown hair...every time I turn around she's got the camera on me. I'm thinking of talking to The Daddy about filing some sort of lawsuit...

by: Elle Kardatzke

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Prince Whiskers

This week Skyler got a new pet--a hamster named Prince Whiskers. Allie thinks that is the BEST hamster name she's ever heard. Allie had a hamster when she was a little girl; his name was Simon. Erik had a gerbil, and he can't remember what it was named. Skyler's hamster lives with her at her mommy's house, but we found a picture of a hamster that looks like Prince Whiskers. Please tell us if you had a hamster or a gerbil when you were a kid, and what yours was named. We're interested...